
Brehl, Medardus

Dr. Medardus Brehl

Literary Criticsm

Room: NA 6/58
Tel.: (0)234/32-29704
Office Hours: Tuesday, 11:00-13:00, GAFO 02/383

Positions in Research and Teaching
• Coordination of the Institute's Lectures
• Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal for Genocide Studies
• Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Namibian Studies (2012-2022)
• Member of the Centre for Mediterranean Studies (University of Bochum)
• Lecturer in the Faculty of Philology (Institute for German Philology) and in the Faculty of History at the University of Bochum

Research Interests
Dr Brehls research focuses on the following themes in the fields of genocide research, discourse theory and discourse history, the relationship between textuality and historicity, and the thematic area of "violence and language":
• Discursive Strategies of the Legitimation of Violence
• War Poetry (in particular the Literature of the First World War), Colonial Literture, Politics and Literature
• Literature and Bellicism
• Colonialism and Genocide
• "Volkish-national" and National Socialist Worldviews
• Political-biographical Narratives
• Aesthetic and Rhetorical Structures of (totalitarian) Ideologies

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