Recent Research Project

CoVio - Collective Violence. Joint Research Project
Founded by the Ministry for Culture and Sciences NRW | Duration: 2021-2023
Research partners: Institute for Diaspora Research and Genocide Studies (IDG, Ruhr-Universität Bochum), Department for Cultural and Social Sciences (KSW, FernUniversität in Hagen)
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Kristin Platt (IDG), Prof. Dr. Jürgen Nagel (KSW)


Critical Edition of the Written and Photographic Estate of Lothar von Trotha, Commander-in-Chief of the Schutztruppe for German Southwest Africa 1904 to 1905.
Founded by the DFG | Duration: 2021-2023
Academics: Dr. Andreas Eckl, Dr. Dr. Matthias Häussler


Anti-Semitism as a social phenomenon in the institution of schools
Founded by the Ministry for Schools, Education and Families NRW | Duration: 2021-2023
Heads of Project: Juniorprofessor Dr. Karim Fereidooni (Didactics of Social Sciences/RUB), Prof. Dr. Kristin Platt (IDG/RUB), Prof. Dr. Katja Sabisch (Gender Studies/RUB)

Journey to Modernity: German-Turkish-Ottoman Encounters in the First Half of the 20th Century
Founded by the Bundesstiftung »Erinnerung, Verantwortung, Zukunft« | Duration: 2017-2022
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Kristin Platt

Non-state communities and diasporas as carriers of cultural transfer between Asia and Europe
Founded by the Horst-und-Käthe-Eliseit-Stiftung | Laufzeit: 2016-2025
Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Mihran Dabag

Condensed spaces. Language, Text, and political Wissen in German-language Future Novels of the 1920s and 1930s
Foundet by the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung | Duration: 2017-2020
Heads of Project: Prof. Dr. Kristin Platt (IDG), Prof. Dr. Monika Schmitz-Emans (Comparative Literature/RUB)


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